Thursday, May 28, 2009

How I Burnt My Foot Cooking

Whenever I start thinking I'm getting the hang of this cooking thing, the universe laughs at me and sends these little accidents.

I'm still not very good at making omelettes. For a while, I'd make them in a little pan, so I could put them in the toaster oven halfway through, but I was very hungry this morning and didn't think all the ingredients I'd chopped would fit, so I used my new skillet. It took a little jiggling to get the omelette to release. I always flip the eggs over the floor, so that whatever spills can be cleaned up easily, instead of hitting the flames or something. (I'm talented see.) I flipped - and lost almost half the omelette to the floor. More importantly, a superhot piece of tomato hit my bare foot, so I was hopping around yelping. Fortunately, the rest of the omelette stayed in the pan and finished cooking quickly.

The omelette is delicious. Good thing I made extra.

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