Monday, November 17, 2008

So this is nesting, hm?

I'm skipping my run this morning to update. Well, and because the weatherpeople said it would be freezing when I left the house. I own the clothes to go running in those conditions, but not the mental strength. Not today anyway. I don't know why this change of seasons is bothering me so much more than usual; I've lived in the northeast all my life, it shouldn't be a shock.

Lately, I've been having the urge to cook, to make soup. I found myself flipping through cookbooks and being attracted to soup and stews. I have an undeniable craving for chhole. I find myself wanting to punt all my activities so I can come home and cook healthy, hearty meals. I'm even thinking of buying cast iron (even though every time I go to the store and lift a 8" skillet, I have to use two hands).

For now, I have banana and berry oatmeal.

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